Western India Regional Council of
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

(Set up by an Act of Parliament)

Webinar on Anti Avoidance Tools - understanding GAAR and Interplay with PPT UNDER MLI Directors’ Perspective - Impact of COVID -19

Event Details

Event Date 15-05-2020 11:00 am
Event End Date 15-05-2020 2:00 pm


You can register for this program by using the below link:





Anti Avoidance Tools - understanding GAAR and Interplay with PPT UNDER MLI

Directors’ Perspective - Impact of COVID -19

Address by

CA. Atul Gupta, President, ICAI
CA. Nihar Jambusaria, Vice President, ICAI

CA. Pinakin Desai
CA. Bhavna Doshi