01.12.2020: 06.00 pm to 08.00 pm
Day # 1 Database Fundamentals:
- MYSQL Server Basics,
- Database models
- ER Model Overview
- Data types
- Understanding Test Database
- Basics Queries
- Removing Duplicates
- Data Filters Using Operators
- Data Sorting
Prof. Asif Rampurawala
Prof. Sanjeela Sagar
02.12.2020: 06.00 pm to 08.00 pm
Day# 2 Sql Queries:
- Grouping
- Joins
- Arithmetic and String functions
- Advanced Functions
- SET Operators
- Creating Complex Queries
- DML operations - Insert, Update & Delete
Prof. Asif Rampurawala
Prof. Sanjeela Sagar
03.12.2020: 06.00 pm to 08.00 pm
Day# 3 Advance queries
- Database Objects - Create, Alter and Drop Tables
- Views
- Complex Views
- Indexes
- Advanced Index Concepts
- How Data is Stored
- Security - User Management
Prof. Asif Rampurawala
Prof. Sanjeela Sagar
04.12.2020: 06.00 pm to 08.00 pm |
Day# 4 Triggers and Transactions:
- Transaction Concepts
- Triggers
- SQL for working with Transaction
Prof. Asif Rampurawala
Prof. Sanjeela Sagar
05.12.2020: 06.00 pm to 08.00 pm |
Day# 5 Introduction to R:
- The Basics
- Vectors and Matrices
- Data Frames
- Factors
- Lists
Prof. Asif Rampurawala
Prof. Sanjeela Sagar
06.12.2020: 06.00 pm to 08.00 pm |
Day# 6 R conditions and functions:
- Dates
- If Statements and Operators
- Loops
- Functions
- Apply
Prof. Asif Rampurawala
Prof. Sanjeela Sagar
07.12.2020: 06.00 pm to 08.00 pm |
Day# 7 Time Series Data Analysis in R:
- Introduction to eXtensible Time Series, using xts and zoo for time series
- First Order of Business - Basic Manipulations
- Merging and modifying time series
- Apply and aggregate by time
- Extra features of xts
Prof. Asif Rampurawala
Prof. Sanjeela Sagar
08.12.2020: 06.00 pm to 08.00 pm |
Day# 8 Importing and Managing Data in R:
- Introduction and downloading data
- Extracting and transforming data
- Managing data from multiple sources
- Aligning data with different periodicities
- Importing text data, and adjusting for corporate actions
Prof. Asif Rampurawala
Prof. Sanjeela Sagar
09.12.2020: 06.00 pm to 08.00 pm |
Day# 9 Introduction to Portfolio Analysis in R:
- The building blocks
- Analysing performance
- Performance drivers
- Optimizing the portfolio
Prof. Asif Rampurawala
Prof. Sanjeela Sagar
10.12.2020: 06.00 pm to 08.00 pm |
Day# 10 Data analytics using Excel:
- Analysis Tool Pak
- What if Analysis
- Solver
- Visualization
Prof. Asif Rampurawala
Prof. Sanjeela Sagar