Western India Regional Council of
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

(Set up by an Act of Parliament)

Refresher Course on Ind AS (Virtual)

Principles, Key Differences with AS & Practical Issues

Fees: Member ₹2360/-           

Please Pay your Attention here: Separate Link will be sent for Joining Webinar. Link will be shared on the email id submitted while carrying out registration. 

To ensure timely receipt of link, kindly: 1. White list email from wircweblink@icai.in /customercare goto webinar.com. 2. Check Spam Box. 3. Incase of non-receipt of link & technical difficulty write email with payment details on wircevents@icai.in 

Event Details

Event Date 26-04-2022 4:00 pm
Event End Date 04-05-2022 7:00 pm
CPE Credit Hrs 24



26th April 2022 : 04.00 pm to 07.00 pm

Ind AS Framework and common errors in financial statements.

Ind AS - 1 Presentation of Financials (with specific focus on key differences - OCI, SOCiE)
Ind AS - 8 Changes in accounting policies, estimates, Correction of errors
Ind AS - 10 Events occuring after reporting period, 8, 10

CA. Yagnesh Desai

27th April 2022 : 04.00 pm to 07.00 pm

Ind AS- 12 Income Taxes

Ind AS- 37 Provisions, Contingent Liablities, Contingent Asset

CA. Jaimin Panchal
28th April 2022 : 04.00 pm to 07.00 pm
Ind AS - 16 Property, Plant & Equipments,
Ind AS - 38 Intangible Assets
Ind AS - 40 Investment Property
CA. Mayur Chokshi
  29th April 2022 : 04.00 pm to 07.00 pm

 Ind AS - 19 Employee Benefits

Ind AS - 24 Related Party Transactions
Ind AS - 108 Operating Segments

CA. Alok Garg
 30th April 2022 : 04.00 pm to 07.00 pm 

Business Combination

Preparing Ind AS Financials: Ind AS Adjustments, Disclosures

CA. Anand Banka
 2nd May 2022 : 04.00 pm to 07.00 pm 

Ind AS - 116 Leases

Ind AS - 115 Revenue from contracts with customers

CA. Rammohan Bhave
 3rd May 2022 : 04.00 pm to 07.00 pm  
Ind AS - 28 Investment in Associates and Joint ventures
Ind AS - 110 Consolidated Financial Statements
Ind AS - 111 Joint Arrangements
CA. Santosh Maller
 4th May 2022 : 04.00 pm to 07.00 pm  
Ind AS - 32, 109 Financial Instruments CA. Venkata Subramani R.


For all queries related to program email us on wircevents@icai.in or can call on 022-33671424 / 17

Kindly note registration will be closed half hour before the program.
