Western India Regional Council of
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

(Set up by an Act of Parliament)

Mumbai City Level Debate Competition for CA Students ( Virtual)

Fees: Free

Event Details

Event Date 30-10-2021 10:00 am
Event End Date 30-10-2021 6:00 pm

Medium: English

Students’ Eligibility

Students registered for Intermediate Course & Final Course (undergoing articleship) are eligible to participate in the said contests. Students who have completed their Articleship are not eligible to participate. 


Allotment of Topics and Choice of For and Against

The choice of For and Against any topic must be divided equally amongst the participants to maintain parity i.e., for every topic there should be equal no. of participants who are speaking For and Against the motion. The final allotment of topic shall be done by WIRC Office on the basis of FIFO

In case of any conflict etc., the decision of the Judges will be final.

Virtual Joining link will be shared to All Registered participants

Branch level Debate Contest Topics  

  1. Online shopping is ruining the small shopkeeper.
  2. Impact of work from Home.
  3. Is Sensex real reflector of economy.
  4. Books or E-books. How it useful in today’s era?
  5. Gender Equality - Still a reality or struggle?
  6. Faceless Assessment Scheme is a boon to Indian Taxation System.

Last Date of Registration: 28th Oct 2021



We are no longer accepting registration for this event